20 Dec 2021

Why will Core Veneer be in demand in the Plywood manufacturing industry?

The veneer composing machine is playing a dominant role in the plywood manufacturing industry in India. A few years back, plywood manufacturers in the country imported core composer machines from various countries primarily from China, Taiwan, and the rest others. However, there were issues regarding the meantime, operator skills, pricing, and even availability. Even though they were modified to suit the Indian conditions, they did yield the desired results.

Today, the demand for a core composed type of Plywood among branded and semi branded plywood manufacturers led to many Indian manufacturers offering the core composer machine. In the last few years, or so, Indian Plywood manufacturing machine suppliers and more than a dozen of manufacturers have set up a facility for manufacturing core composer.

Advantages of Core Veneer Composer machine

A veneer core plywood has a centre veneer and alternatively layered veneers on both sides of the centre.  They are recognized to give the required thickness and weight-bearing strength to the Plywood and enhance the ability to hold the screws. The core veneer machine ensures no gaps and overlapping when stitching the core veneer, which would not have been possible if done manually. The core composer makes a single-core sheet of size 8ft X 4ft or any desired specification without any issue of overlapping.

The three main advantages of the core composer in plywood manufacturing are as follows

  • Reduces wastage

The core composer machine reduces the wastage of glue and core. In the manual process, the core is always made five inches or more on both sides, whereas the machine allows only two inches more than the actual size of the Plywood.

  • Quality product

The automated process enables a more precise finishing without any overlapping or gaps.  This results in the final product having an excellent finish.

  • Manpower savings

While multiple people are required to operate a conventional Plywood manufacturing machine, a core composer machine can be operated by one person. This results in substantial manpower cost savings.

Plywood industry outlook

Today, most plywood manufacturers are using core composers to perform their work. The international trend nowadays is that consumers prefer decorative materials.  With Indian consumer taste also shifting, the requirement for core composers will go up in the Indian market as well.

Another reason is the increasing use of melamine being pasted on Plywood. Earlier, they were used only on particle boards. For this new shift, the core composer machine will be required to give quality plywood without gaps and overlaps.

Final thoughts:

The core veneer composer machine is expected to play an indispensable role in the plywood manufacturing industry. With changing economic scenarios globally, including India after the pandemic, manufacturers will opt for a process that is less dependent on manual labour. This was evident when workers went home during the lockdown and did not return, thus affecting the daily operations. The other factor is the need for quality products and lower operating costs.